Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Friday, November 03, 2006

More postings....

Ok so I have a list of things I want to blog on, but in true Rhiness forgot well not forgot but forgot to bring my journal with me where I wrote it down and thought hmmm I will share this with the world and also can be bothered to down load photos onto my parents computer for a different blog adn then download them onto mine at a latter date so I wont but the following blogs t appear probably sometime Sunday or Monday are......
I am a prostitue
Is it adultery?
Also a come back from Emma who well just gives half a story lets face it (lol) so you can get her side of the story from www.emmaedwards.blogspot.com ...enjoy!
Just thought make you curious and cause you to come and read my wonderful blogspot :)


  • At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Ben how's it going? :p hope your hitting ignite with me tomorow
    Em xx

  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Rhix said…

    I'm so slow sorry Joseph! no not going to Ignite


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