Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A few photos

Just thought that I would add a few photos, so here is me and an amazingly good friend at her baptism in the river. Love yax

This other pictures Anika and me at Ogmore castle in the Summer.

Both of these girls are like sisters and I'm missing them not being around ..... uni calls.

And since I haven't had the photos of our night out to celebrate your birthday Andrea this surfing one will have to do.....And at least you too have your own surf board and no longer have to borrow one!! or not it doesnt like it, hmmmm will have to find out why. So instead a strange one of me .... face masks especially the pealing ones are such great fun! And its great that even guys feel liberated now to do what was once seen as something just women should do!

Sorry Phil, but this was one way your whole family could get hold of the photo instead of me or Jen emailing it round.......:)

Heres our loverly Photo Em...don't you just love it??!!


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