Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Taking the Lead

So most of you who know me know that I am fairly bossy and can be quite dominating - well something I didn't really realsied (well didn't want to admit) until Thurs.

Having been put in the group with people who had never done Salsa before (sorry its about Salsa, because it's all new and exciting and fulfilling something I have wanted to do for so long) - I have to say for the first 5 minutes my attitude stank, becuase I wanted to dance properly not relearn the moves. However when we were dancing the guys changed round (there was a really good dancer there who could really lead and wasnt too bad looking) so sometimes I had to dance on my own - anyways some of the guys were really good at leading and could tell you what they wanted you to do others had abosulty no idea. I was going to lead them, but realilsed no I cant do that its unfair - they would never learn to lead and i would never learn to follow. A complete challenge.

What was more scarey was in the practice time after when there was no one shouting what move we needed to do next, we just danced and I had to trust the guy to tell me in time what move to do and how long for - totally relying on him and getting used to the idea of sumitting to what he wanted to do - quiet scarey if you think about it! Also there was huge responsibility on the guys becuase they had to respect the women, made sure she knew what she was doing and tell her in time - its a two way thing, I say Salsa lessons would be great for dominating or bossy women and brilliant for guys who are being down trodden, timid, afraid to take the lead etc. or anyone who just wanted to have fun!

All in all it's showing me a lot about myself and I am learning loads not just the dance steps! But most of all i am having so much fun, I just forget everything when I am dancing I can just be me and move and enjoy it - theres something about dancing where I just connect with God and myself and can really listen (strange I know) its amazing when you are on the dance floor you don't have to pretend or put up a front or try or anything you can be you well at least I am and I have to say that I was at my happiest this week dancing, I had a rough week and Tues not slept coz - i got scared of thunder (I'm not normally, but it was above the house and there are no other houses near me!!!) and Weds I had spent most of my time in the bathroom and felt like crawling in a hole and giving up. But anyways yeah dancing just made me forget everything - I have to wonder why I never really did it much before? Only in Germany did I start properly dancing, not sure oh well its funny, because dnacing is one of the only things I do becuase I want to I mean running, surfing and playing the bass were all started up becuase of guys I was going out with or seeing at the time so its great to have a something to do because I want to do it and it not being because of someone else wanting to do it and me just joining in - although you do need a partner and Piet did arrange it, but you get my meaning its somethign I have always wanted to do not just recently wanted to do.

Anyways I am going to go and buy bin bags and milk and meet my parents - yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are coming down for the weekend and I havent seen them for weeks and weeks and weeks.

Love ya x


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