Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Well this morning got up and went surfing with the gang, was amazing ...sadly not the waves some off shore wind made them difficult and choppy to surf, but we went in there anyway. The height of embarrasment was when the wind nearly lifed me off the group and blew me away and the fact I couldn't hold the board very easily because I was being blown about.....the joys of being small and not possessing strong arm muscles! However stood up a few times which was brilliant, did a few spectacular falling off the board stunts and well just enjoyed it.

Whilst surfing and as I often do when I am in or near the sea and waves i began to really think wow God made all this stuff, it deserves respect everytime i got a bit cocky the waves overpowered me and I remembered that we just cant control this, we have tried to control so much, but we cant always and the same in our lives, we try to control what happens etc but somethings we cant and just need to leave it to God and trust him! Anyways there was a professional sports photographer there taking photos so maybe there will be one of me I can put up here...although if its of me spectalluarlly falling off i don't think so!!

(Above is a photo of Andrea and me (with blond hair ...shock horror) just after our surf in May last year, but its the only one of me surfing well with a surf board.

And this photo of John (AKA PC Stewart) is just for everyone to laugh at and provide a few seconds of entertainment, he truely did show us all he was a beginner...... not sure why it was so obvious though..... but its ok, because after a lesson from Phil he was like a true pro........

Anyways because i love my pink surf board i have taken a photo of it and well how surfin can take over your bathroom whilst your drying your stuff! Bewarned!


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