Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Prison Break

Wentworth Miller ..... hasnt he just the most amazing eyes!

For fear of being branded a prison break addict (which would be true) I have to ask has anyone got the full series 2 eposode 1 on tape - mum recorded it for me but then accidently recorded something else over the second half and i missed the repeat last night, because I didnt know it exsisted till today......please somebody have it and can i borrow it please????? I cant wait untill its out on DVD!


  • At 5:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok 2 things to say... sorry i sadly dont have this amazing looking guy on dvd for you... and... mmmm look in to his eyes not around the eyes but into his eyes... mmmm


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