Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year

New year was really good, a totally different experience from last year where I was ill, went out, but was home by 10.30 and lay on the sofa half asleep felling ill and sorry for myself....anyways this year went to Cardiff with Marc and John. Went ice skating with John, who did a stunning 720 degree bum spin (Marc not liking the danger watched), then went on a few rides and joined the crowds to bring the new year in and see the fireworks....it was dry until about 0.15 then it absolutely chucked it down......Wales....typical....always rains. (Below John and I on a ride...Marc got his head cut off - not literally though) . Oh there he is.....(Marc)


  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sounds like you had a good start to the new year!!
    Happy new year my dear!!!
    See you at college!! (which has come round again all too fast!)


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