Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Just thought that I would put some photos of some uni friends and me in Spain, because i am looking through photos and thought hmmm I should share them!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed it...the highlight was being thrown around by a Dutch guy who could dance really well, there is a video, hmmm will have to get it and load it. Most of the photos are good ones of people......others well just had to be shared!

Fi (Sexy French Chicken 1), Rae (Sexy French man number 1), Emma (Sexy French man number 2) and me (with blond hair ... scarey...why is it that colour.... its just wrong)!!

There was going to be a photo of Liam and Jon ant and dec ing, but i decided against it .... it was just wrong, plain wrong...and the other photos of them, well wouldn't want to scar you....so instead these two amusing photos were used!

Liam dancing with a Whale and Jon....in pain?!....having his hair straightened by Rae

All of us (except Piet who took the photo) in a bar...excellent idea...everyone could pour their pints (Phil in blue shirt)

I loved the beach it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the colour of the water!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and one last one of a cool tree.....
Well not the last, the last is Phil and Piet and a guy we didn't know .... Alicante after a good night out


  • At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    man i hate that photo of me!!!! please take it down i look terible

  • At 2:53 AM, Blogger Rhix said…

    but theres no other one of all of us girls!!!!!

  • At 3:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HAHAHAH!i dont think i have ever seen that pic of me and Jon...can you send me those ones please...it makes me nearly pee my pants with laughter
    i love being a women and causing pain to men (in a non-pscho-over liberated feminsit way!)

  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    aww the memories!
    great to see the old pictures getting out... i dont think i have your ones!!
    Hope your weekend has been good to you!


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