Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I have decided.....that I love God!

Well i did anyway and do even though it sometimes is really difficult in my placement and my fieldwork tutor has serious concerns, but well today God really did his thing - don't you just love it when he does that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many doors are opening which is good becuase the open ones last year have shut or are shutting and I thought noooooooooo God where are you in all this what do I do, but hes amazing and showed me some of the way forward.

Also I have decided that cups of tea to tradesmen are the way forward and a choc buscuit goes a long way to talking!!!!!!!!!!! (there are people working on the flat down stairs), so i'm off to the hairdressers on Friday lets see what oppertunity God will have waiting for me to be a light for him.

IO love him soooooooooo much i want to explode, well i dont want to but at this moment i think i will. All the way home i was going i love God, I love God i and then noooo nearly caused an accident well it was the other persons fault. So there we are yeah I love God and I am going to eat my dinner - which i cooked myself - Ham, new potatoes, vegitables followed by Apple pie and custard! Hmmmm then finish my essay off which I have to admit i am really enjoying!


  • At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i 100% agree... Our God is indeed AMAZING and worth more than the best description we could ever try to give him!
    But are you and em becoming the same person?
    Your blogging patterns are too similar for my liking!
    love yous muchly

  • At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ha Ha this is so funny i have just posted about loving god after a conversation with Steve and bitching about having to justify myself in an essay! seems we are too much on the same wavelength!
    Em xx

  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger Rhix said…

    and i just wrote a message about us morphing into one on your page...scarey!!!!!!!!!

  • At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ohmygoodness...i just wrote the longest most complex comment i have ever written and then i lost it!dang it...
    good post, i love how you wrtie as you speakand seeing as you speak so fast and excitedly it makes me read your post fast and excitedly which in return makes me giggle at myslef.
    and in return to your comment on my blog
    yes i am alive
    get back to me in a week, and ill know or sure!
    laters laters xx


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