Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Friday, September 22, 2006

I looked so beautiful!

Ok a BIG thankyou to Rae for recogmending the book Captivating - i suggest a must read for all you lovely ladies out there! Emma and I were talking about it (she brought it too) and although i have only read 1 and 1/2 chapters its brilliant - one thing it talks about it women want 3 things or have 3 desires in heart - to be romanced, be part of adventure and something in the lines of thought beautiful for who she is or something like that - you know I will have to go home and check now, but that was the gist. But some how that book spoke to me. ill update you more specifically soon.

Anyways had a great time in Cardiff with Emma looking for dresses for her to be a bond girl, well I couldnt find any ball dresses I liked in one shop so we looked at wedding dresses - and yes i tried one on!......hmmmmm, but for once i really could say Rhianwyn you look stunning in it and later when at the gym and training for my half marathon (in 4 weeks) God started talking to me about how when i glimpsed in that mirror and saw that I was indeed a beautiful person (everything like inside and out not just outside coz most of the time i look anything but beautiful) it was how he sees me, and that although I long to be special to someone and have someone romance me blah blah blah I already have that in God I am his bride and he also wants to be chased and romanced in the Bible there are some cool verses I have written down to talk about this but cant remember all of them just ...'if you search me with all your heart then you will find me', which i think could be in Isaiah, but not sure (I love that book!). So there is my randomness hope you follow when I have my head properly round it I will come back and add.

Oh if you want to sponsor me in my half marathon I am running for Habbitat for Humanity, our church is going to South Africa and building one or more houses depending on how much money we raise for families living in slums there, let me know if you do I would appreciate it.

As to reply to Piets comment I willdo that soon.
Love yax

Friday, September 08, 2006

Intentions are made reality?!

How many times have I said i wanna be more on fire for God, how many times have I thought that I want to get serious about God and share about him, how many times have I said I will pray more or read the Bible more this year....?! They were said with intentions but never happened, so now after being away from Pencoed for a whole month - it was wierd and coming back I feel like this year I will be taking everything seriously my work, uni, relationship with God etc and still have fun.

I started to read cover to cover again and it talked in Isaiah 30 verse 15, 'The Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says, "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.'" It made an impression on me when I read it in Spain and today I just sat down with God and remembered my time in the monistry in quietness and just sat there with God and this verse cant explain what happened or why I felt so moved but it was one of those moments with God when you just know it wont be the same between you and him again!

In verse 18 it says 'But the LORD still waits for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for him to help them.' This blew me away i mean i know God is there he has made the 99 steps towards us and we just need to make that 1, but it was so amazing in that moment to think that even after everything I have done or havent done when i should have God still waits for me to come to him and give to me - he is amazing! Read in Context these verses are powerful it is all about the Isrealites and there relationship with God - which when I think about it is not too different from my own - I am close to him, then get distracted - go away something happens to get my attention and I go back to God normally because my life at that point sucks, then hey presto I drift away again. I mean the Isrealites were stupid I keep reading their stories and what they did and I think why did you not just stick by God etc, but its always easy when you look in from the outside! I just didnt realise the same thing was happening to me - Duh!

Anyways this is for accountability - please ask if you see this and see me how I am doing with the whole serious for God, serious for my work and serious about the course! Ta, loving you!