Enjoy the journey, don't just focus on destination

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hey hey

Its been a long time, but heres a quick up date.

Lots of the townships are lying in low lands, which flood. We had loads of rain and sure enough these flooded. The one township we are working in a lot was hit really badly - so badly that that was where all the TV and relief apeals were filmed from, it is also the poorest of the poor.

We took blankets and clothes, then fortunately the plastic sheeting we ordered some time before came and we had 3 days sun, which enabled people to put plastic sheeting over their shacks in time for the next rain.

It was horrible that a 55 year old women was living in a waterfilled shack 4 days after the flooding started emptying it out with a margerine contaner. Fortunately we got some massive paint containers, so they could clear the water out faster.

The Warehouse
Its amazing we pack clothes and empty the shelves and more come in its amazing to see how people give and Gods provision! We needed blinds for a HIV Support group and didnt ask around, but 2 days later someone gave us blinds that fitted the windows exactly - how cool is that!

I have also been packing food parcels and clothes for Aids orphans. Today the monthly supplies went out and coats for the children - amazing! I was taken to a church where they were given them out it was so cool, I understood one word and that was Hope the rest was in Kossa (or however you spell it), but they sang and spoke about how they were and prayed etc we arrived late adn left early but was still there for 1 and 1/2 hours....then the car stopped working....but we got back to the warehouse eventually. Is so sad to see the grandmothers of the children looking after them becuase the parents are dead. Its such a big problem and not necessarily down ot lack of education becuase there is so much being done on that front.

The Townships
Nothing can really explain or convey how bad and how vast they are....the poverty is crazy.

Gangster and Prison
So I have been into Pollsmoore Prison where NMandella spent a few years. Some people are doing a restoration Justice course with Juviniels so went there to help, also met an ex - gangster who talked about one of the areas created after the forced removals and the problems they face there. It was really interesting becuase I am reading his book at the moment.

The rest
Ok so this is a very quick update, because I would be here forever doing a detailed description, I am exhausted emotionally and physically. Words really cant describe how I feel adn the things I have seen or stories people have told me, there is hope and dispare, happiness in the poverty yet crazily on the opposite side of the road there are plush houses. Cape Town is beautiful and its easy only to be involved in the first world areas, but you have to be here and look around to understand how life is for most people. I love what I have been involved in and will hopefully come back. i will try adn upload photos when the computer lets me, but I havent really taken that many, because I dont think its right to treat these people like zoo animals to be photographed becuase of the conditions they live in, but if people have taken photos when I have been with them i have used their photos so at least there is only one person taking th ephotos....hypercriticall maybe.

Ok I still cant load photos up - sorry!